About Cowgate Republic

Cowgate Republic is a creative space for news, culture and analysis from a working class perspective. Founded by Jim Slaven, Cowgate Republic will cover and create events in Scotland, Ireland and further afield. Cowgate Republic is not aligned to any political party or organisation.

Cowgate Republic is always developing and also operates Edinburgh Detours, which is Edinburgh’s leading social enterprise for tours focusing on social history, psychogeography and physical exercise for residents and visitors. We also organise various other educations events to meet the demand for more information about James Connolly and the hidden, revolutionary history of his home city of Edinburgh.

Cowgate Republic is the home of Cowgate Originals t-shirt and merchandising workers cooperative. We are also the home of Cowgate Media which produces the podcast All Hail To The Pod, which is available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Acast and YouTube.

As you will be aware our website name, 107 Cowgate, represents James Connolly’s birthplace in Edinburgh’s Little Ireland. The strap line “We only want the earth” is a quote from Connolly’s song ‘Be Moderate’ and reads in full Our demands most moderate are – We only want the earth.


107 Cowgate welcomes radical contributions covering news, analysis, reviews, culture, sport etc. If you have an idea you should email our editorial team in the first instance at:



We welcome comments and indeed encourage debate and even disagreement. However we will not allow personal insults or slanderous attacks on individuals. For this reason our comments section will be moderated. So remember disagree, criticise but play the ball not the man (or woman)!


Editorial Content

Jim Slaven 107cowgate@gmail.com

Technical Enquiries

Dennis Moran jcsedinburgh@gmail.com


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